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US Military: Mask Mouth & Dental Care

Mask mouth is a term used to describe the development of bad breath and other oral health issues as a result of wearing a mask for extended periods of time. The U.S. military has implemented the use of masks as a protective measure against COVID-19, and many military personnel have reported experiencing mask mouth.

Masks can lead to an increase in dry mouth, which can lead to an increase in bacteria growth. Saliva helps to neutralize and rinse away bacteria in the mouth, so when there is less saliva being produced, there is a higher likelihood of bacteria growth. Additionally, masks can trap moisture and bacteria inside the mouth, leading to an increase in bad breath and the potential for tooth decay.

To combat mask mouth, military personnel can follow proper oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing regularly, using mouthwash, and staying hydrated. They can also try using a humidifier to add moisture to the air, as well as sucking on breath mints or chewing gum to stimulate saliva production.

In addition to mask mouth, military personnel may also be at a higher risk for other oral health issues due to their deployment to different locations. Stress, sleep deprivation, and changes in diet can all affect oral health, and military personnel may be more prone to these factors due to their demanding and often-changing schedules.

The U.S. military has recognized the potential impact on oral health due to mask-wearing and deployment-related stress and has implemented programs to address these issues. For example, the U.S. Army Dental Corps has launched a campaign called “Operation Oral Health” which provides education and resources for military personnel on maintaining good oral hygiene. The U.S. Navy has also implemented a similar program called “Operation Bright Smile” which focuses on providing dental care and education to sailors and marines.

In addition to these programs, the military has also made efforts to provide access to dental care for military personnel. The U.S. Army Dental Corps operates dental clinics on military bases, and deployed units often have dental teams available to provide care. The U.S. Navy also has dental clinics on ships and on land, and the U.S. Air Force operates dental clinics at various bases around the world.

While mask mouth and other oral health issues may be a concern for military personnel, the use of masks is an important measure for protecting against COVID-19. Masks help to prevent the spread of the virus and are a critical tool in the fight against the pandemic. Military personnel can follow proper oral hygiene practices and take advantage of available resources to maintain good oral health while wearing masks. The military’s efforts to educate and provide access to dental care can help military personnel maintain good oral health and continue to serve their country with confidence.